Other beers in my travels
I had the opportunity to try a few other beers and take advantage of the New England location while up in CT. Had a couple Brewtus Maximus beers at Max Burger in West Hartford. Allegedly, it's brewed specially for them from Thomas Hooker Brewing . It was tasty and went down oh so smooth. I also picked up, at the beer store, Sebago (in Maine)'s Local Harvest Ale . It was hoppy, malty, tasty deliciousness. Damn, that shit was good. Highly recommend. Look how pretty! As the Alström Brothers say , "High marks for bringing hop flavor to new heights, lordy be, this is an amazing beer." I don't think I can say it better than that. Maine, you totally rule. At the Atlanta airport on the way home, my gate was right next to the Sweetwater Brew Pub and I went in there and ordered a Sweetwater 420, which is a Pale Ale I enjoyed during our vacation in Florida. I looked at the big board before ordering though, make sure I wasn't missing out on...