Keg & Barrel's Outlaw Homebrew Competition

Literally, in Mississippi, it is illegal to: 1) homebrew and 2) sell or serve beer with a ABW of over 5%. So for the second year, the homebrew competition held at the Keg & Barrel in Hattiesburg is technically illegal and all organizers, brewers, judges, and attendees are outlaws IN THE EYES OF THE MISSISSIPPI LAW! Spoiler alert: we did not get arrested. Much to the dismay of the Beer Buddha . Maybe next year, Jeremy! We did, however, have an awesome time. David Graves and his Brew Cart! (check him out at Brewers' Village! Tom and I drove up on Saturday morning and got to the Keg & Barrel at around 10am, per John Neal's request. We kicked back with Jeremy and met some of the folks from Lazy Magnolia Brewery and Raise Your Pints , a grassroots non-profit lobbying group to overturn the drastic and archaic beer laws in the state. After some wandering around and meeting folks, the awesome judging...