
Showing posts from January, 2012

Awesome post about Boucherie's Swedish Beer Dinner!

Awesome post, over at my other blog! Go read all about Boucherie's beer dinner pairings with the Swedish beers.  It was good times. Man, I love those beers. Also, Boucherie. It's a winning situation all around. WINNING!

Personal Notes From my Swedish Beer Weekend

Avenue Pub management had a great method to help customers order the beers and the bartenders to understand them- they put the list and tasting notes together pairing each beer with a number, so you could just go up and order a Number Nine or Seven, or whatnot. Brilliant! (especially as the day/night went on) Funny story on Friday night- I wanted to order a bitter and a stout, but Eileen heard it as a bitter and a SOUR, so I got the Bedarö Bitter and the Cantillon Mamouche. I laughed and asked her to also pour me a stout. I'd wanted to drink the bitter while letting the Nynäshamns Sotholmen Extra Stout come up to temp, but I ended up drinking the bitter and the Mamouche. Stout was excellent by the time I got to it though. I cannot say enough good things about the Nynäshamns Bötet Barley Wine. It truly was the best barleywine I've ever had. It was a serious revelation. I loved the Nynäshamns Bedarö Bitter and the Oppigårds Amarillo Spring Ale like crazy too. Tom loved, as I...

Swedish beer weekend

(Crossposted to the other blog I write for, NOLA Beer Guide .) First things first: BIG UPS to The Avenue Pub- owner Polly Watts and her amazing staff – Stene Isacsson, owner of Akkurat Bar & Restaurant in Stockholm, and Shelton Brothers Distributors for all their hard work to bring this event to not only New Orleans but to Louisiana, the South, the US. Nothing like this anywhere else in the country- this was totally a once in a lifetime opportunity and I am grateful to everyone’s role in making it happen. On Tuesday, the Avenue put on the Oppigårds Golden Ale and I gave that a try- a very pleasant, slightly hoppy, balanced, and drinkable beer. Delicious! I couldn’t make the Wednesday night tasting, but I did go back on Friday night and enjoyed several of the Swedish offerings, both upstairs and downstairs. The Balcony also had Cantillon Mamouche on draft as a special keg for a special weekend. Downstairs had a Jolly Pumpkin Maricaibo Especiale to enjoy. I started with the Nä...

Can't keep a secret in this town...

Well, there was gonna be a coordinated attempt to release the news tomorrow evening at 5pm (everyone synchronize your watches!) but apparently the cat's out of the bag, the horse has left the stable, and any other variety of farm related metaphors that indicate that the word is out. The word is this: Stone Brewing came down to New Orleans today to co-brew an Imperial Porter called "Pour Me Something, Mister!" which has a very interesting and diverse grain bill (will post pictures later) and Centennial, Nugget, and US Golding hops, dryhopped with Citra hops and also brewed with dried satsuma peel. It'll probably hit around 8% ABV.  Got some Steen's molasses in there for fermenting sugars, whoo! California hops and Louisiana Steens and satsuma! Come to the official announcement tomorrow night starting at 5pm, and meet the Stone brewers and have all your questions answered about this collaboration! It looks like the debut of the beer will be on Saturday, Februa...