Session Beer Spotlight #3: Stone Levitation Ale

Just under the wire (with 10 minutes to spare till midnight)! I would like to spotlight Stone Brewing Co's session ale, Levitation, which clocks in at 4.4%. It's probably cheating to quote the brewer's website, but I like their philosophy here: It's been said that "Gravity Sucks." Simple enough. Well, we at Stone have identified gravitational forces in the beer world. And we have come to the conclusion that they, well, see above. So we avoid these less-than-desirable gravitational forces. We avoid dumbed-down flavor profiles and the vigorous pursuit of the lowest common denominator. We avoid big dollar marketing mentalities. We avoid additives, cheap adjuncts, stabilizers and chemical preservatives. So in the defiance of gravity we bring you Stone Levitation Ale. I appreciate the acknowledgement of the challenge the market poses to creating a quality low-ABV beer. Levitation has many characteristics of a standard American Pale Ale, with a slightly...