Guest Post: Sampling St. Feullien in Roeulx
A few weeks ago I got an email from Irish blogger/writer Seamus Murphy, who writes for Trenditionist and had recently been to Belgium. He wanted to know if I'd publish his account of visiting St. Feullien . Since I'm not going to be going there myself in the foreseeable future, I figured I'd take the opportunity to share this with my blog audience. (all photographs are courtesy of Seamus Murphy.) It's interesting (and a little sad to me) that Americans are still thought of as crappy beer drinkers, regardless of the fact that we have a huge number of craft breweries throughout the country. Also, when he start talking about the start of their St. Feullien tour experience, it made me think a little bit about this April Fools post from earlier this year which is hilarious. Thanks, Seamus!