Happy news!

Got this email from the Avenue Pub (recall, I saw a letter in Offbeat a while back alluding to this).  Hooray!  Mark your calendar...for...

Narke, Nils Oscar, Nynäshamns Ångbryggeri & Oppigarde Beer event.

The Kindness of Strangers Swedish beer event January 21st, 2012

In April of last year I met the owner of a very famous beer bar in Sweden. Stene loves New Orleans and wanted to throw a Mardi Gras party at his bar in Stockholm. Working with Shelton Bros we figured out a way to ship kegs of Abita and NOLA to Sweden. The idea was that they would be filled with Swedish beer and then returned to the Pub. Those kegs are on their way back to us now and we have scheduled the event for Saturday Jan 21st. what I didnt expect was the beers Stene would choose to send us. More than a few have never been in the US before and there is little chance they will return. The Stormskaporter is surely one of the most coveted imperial stouts in the world. It's made in tiny batches and only available in a few places in Sweden. Stene basically gave us one of his allocated kegs. An extraordinary gift.
The Stormskaporter will be the most expensive keg I've ever bought. once the US taxes and registering fees are paid the keg will cost $675 for a 1/4 barrel. That's before our local distributor gets hold of it. Shelton is donating their labor on this so there is no mark up expect for shipping. Because of this generosity we have decided to make at least part of this event charitable. The brewers of Narke lost their son to cancer very recently and we are waiting for their direction on how to donate the funds. We don't have a price yet on the rest of the beers so I haven't set a price or format for the event. We are letting Boucherie have some of the kegs for a Swedish beer dinner. More on that after the first of the year!
Please share this email around to all your beer loving friends. These beers are worth the trip:)
Coffee Stout
http://www.ratebeer.com/beer/nils-oscar-coffee-stout/93585/Kalas ÖL ( Dark lager)
http://www.ratebeer.com/beer/nils-oscar-kalasol/6115/Christmas Beer ( Scottish styled wee heavy 8%)
annual christmas beer , recipe changes each year no reviews yet as it is new.
Hop Yard ( Strong IPA)
http://www.ratebeer.com/beer/narke-slattol/49426/Skvatt Galen (With bog myrtle witch was used before hops was common)
http://www.ratebeer.com/beer/narke-the-new-internationale/31682/Smoked Porter
no review found
Tanngnjost & Tanngrisir ( Smoked Double Bock)
http://www.ratebeer.com/beer/narke-tanngnjost-tanngrisnir/112558/Stormakts Porter Konjaks
Nynäshamns Ångbryggeri
Barley Wine 2009 ( Gold Medal today at World Beer Awards)
Tjockhult Tjinook ( first time on keg outside Oliver Twist & Akkurat)
http://www.ratebeer.com/beer/nynashamns-tjockhult-tjinook/144688/Bedarö Bitter
http://www.ratebeer.com/beer/nynashamns-bedaro-bitter/5952/Sotholmen Extra Stout
http://beeradvocate.com/beer/profile/3476/19959Mysingen Midvinterbryggd ( Christmas ale in the style of Anchor Christmas)
http://beeradvocate.com/beer/profile/15122/35154/?sort=low&start=0Sovereign Golden Ale. ( Very easy to drink Britt styled Ale)
 Oppigards TBA
