New England beers I have drunk in New England

Cape Ann Brewing Fisherman's Brew
Cisco Whales Tale Pale Ale
Magic Hat Encore Wheat IPA
Pioneer (from Sturbridge MA) Industrial Pale Ale
Cambridge Brewing Company Audacity of Hops
Tullycross Brewpub Pale Ale and IPA
I have also just acquired several bombers to check in my luggage. More on that later.


  1. You need to try Smuttynose and Portsmotuh Brewery -- both in Portsmouth, NH. Go go go!

  2. Oh, I love Smuttynose and Portsmouth Brewing. Would love to get a New Hampshire and Vermont trip someday again.

    Note: Beers I brought home from Massachusetts' own Yankee Spirits- Cambridge Brewing Company Audacity of Hops, Cambridge Brewing Company Tripel Threat, Pretty Things Lovely St. Winefride, Peak Organic's The Maple Collaborative, Allagash's Hugh Malone, Slumbrew Porter Square Porter, Ipswich Brewing Winter Ale.


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