Session Beer Spotlight #6: O'Hara's Irish Stout

Back when we lived in Massachusetts, we'd go to a Belgian- and hophead- heavy bar in Brookline called the Publick House. This place was actually a hike from where we lived in Salem, so when we went, one of us would partake of the high gravity beers and one of us (whoever was driving the 30-40 minutes back home <cough> Tom </cough>) would enjoy the only session beer available, O'Hara's Irish Stout.  It's 4.3% and actually, probably our favorite Irish stout out there, regardless of ABV.  (I like it better than Guinness, better than Murphy's. Hmm, gotta try some Beamish again someday soon.)

Brewed by Carlow Brewing Company, and purchased at Stein's this evening, the O'Hara stout is as dark as a ginger's soul and twice as tasty. Poured beautifully into a Sam Adams fancy glass with a good inch of latte colored head, Excellent roasty malt flavors, smooth creamy mouthfeel, finishes dry and crisp with a touch of hop bitterness at the end there. As I said, excellent on its own merits as a great example of a dry Irish stout style.  Shoulda got a six pack.  Ah, well, can find it back at Stein's. Also Rouses, I think?

I will also take this opportunity to share that this session beer spotlighting is turning into quite a challenge. Sadly, Covington/Heiner Brau and Bayou Teche don't seem to have their beers' ABVs listed anywhere... which... I don't know why that is. It shouldn't be a challenge to find out the ABV of beer, it should be prominently displayed and openly shared so that beer drinkers can make responsible drinking choices and understand exactly what they are putting in their body (if they choose to educate themselves thusly)

I have also discovered the Heartbreak ABV Range which is between 4.5 and 5.0- SO CLOSE, but does not count. It's also amazing how many beers (He'Brew Genesis Session and Four Sail Session Lager and Black Lager) are not even in that range, but are in fact over 5%!  Come on, now. I'm telling you, as I get into the final days of this challenge the pickins available here are getting pretty slim.

Just finished the final sip of the O'Hara's- damn. Good stuff. For serious.
