I am the WORST!

Been fully neglecting my duties as faithful beer blogger while... chasing down info that I can blog about.

Here's some quick info:

Went to the Northshore this past Saturday to check out Abita, Covington, and Chaunkta. Was warmly welcomed by all breweries and had the opportunities to talk to brewers at Covington and Chafunkta. Lots of changes coming up for those two... one, which has just been announced publicly  is that Chafunkta just got their permit to brew and serve beer approved by the Commissioner of the LA ATC!

NOLA Brewing had a Superbowl party that I was able to swing by and try Bayou Teche's new crawfish season beer (in big bottles) - Saison D'Ecrevisses. I only got a little sip but it was pretty good. Looking forward to seeing this come out on the market.

NOLA also just got the can design for MechaHopzilla approved, so that is a go! Those will be some high-test cans of beer.

In conclusion, Super Gras.  Be merry and safe! And drink delicious beer! Also, it's a marathon, not a race, so pace yourself accordingly.
