Post-Tales, Pre-Boston, and Dat Dog tonight!

My piece on the beer "scene" at Tales of the Cocktail is out today. I can't pretend it was a very prominent part of the experience, but there was a connection between beer and cocktails or brewing and distilling that could be felt, if not seen, most of the time.

I also just discovered, post-publish, that a brewery I was confused about at the "Shot and A Beer" TOTC event, Glass+Couch, is actually the label that former Rogue brewmaster John Couchot is using to brew beer out of Thibodeaux. Gonna be tracking that down and reporting back!.

Today I take off for Boston to attend the Beer Bloggers Conference, with a pre-conference adventure into Portland ME and Portsmouth NH. Although I have barely settled in after the whirlwind of Tales, I am looking forward to hanging out with other bloggers, drinking more New England beer, and figuring out best practices for blog writing. I think there's a live blogging/social media marathon session involved at some point so stay tuned for that.

Sadly, I will be missing the Dat Dog-New Belgium beer dinner on Magazine Street tonight! I encourage everyone to check it out. Tom will be there covering it for the blog, so he'll be guest posting this week. And the menu just looks fun and delicious. It's affordable, doesn't take itself too seriously, involves delicious food and beer... just the thing for the "IT ONLY TUESDAY" blues!
