Thursday linkage

My new print column!
First of all, per last week's breathless announcement, here is the link to my Inside Northside article. Also, my Brewsday Tuesday post, which will be published in the upcoming print version.

Second, although it's more an announcement of events than links per se, NOLA Brewing's Smoky Mary release party is tonight at the Uptown Bulldog.

In other crazy awesome event news, Dat Dog NOLA (the Magazine Street location) has put together an inspired promotion to tie the fact that the World Beard and Mustache Championships are here in New Orleans this weekend with Traveler Beers. According to manager Chris Johnson:
"In honor of the National Beard and Mustache Championships 2013 in New Orleans this weekend, we are running a special on Traveler Beers. Specials on Curious Traveler and Jack-O Traveler on draft and Tenacious Traveler and Time Traveler in the bottle - $4.25 each, a dollar off normal price, for a limited time at the Magazine location. Order a Traveler beer and get a free stick-on mustache, and any super awesome facial hair gets a free t-shirt."
Another event, the Tails & Ales annual beer festival and exotic animal race held at the Fairgrounds, is also this weekend. Check this link out for details.

In other links around the internet:

A cool article about Shaun Hill of Hill Farmstead Brewery. Kind of a "man behind the myth" type of thing.

Alchemist Brewing, another high-demand Vermont brewery/cannery explains why they can't make more Heady Topper no matter how much you want them to.

In local beer news, a Q&A with Mudbug head brewer Leith Adams and the Beer Street Journal explains Bayou Teche's upcoming release, Miel Sauvage.

Also, are you all liking my new Facebook page? And/or following me on Twitter?
