Pre Holiday Catching Up!

A profile of me and my story in this month's Beer Advocate

Man, I have not updated my blog with my new articles and stuff for ages. Let's fix that, shall we?

First of all, just a reminder that I've started a Tumblr page, mostly to house links of my stories, but also to reblog stuff I think is cute/funny/interesting and post photos. If you Tumbl, check it out!

Beer Advocate's artistic imaging of Hattiesburg

The opening page of my Beer Advocate story on Hattiesburg

I have two big stories out this past month. One is a profile of Hattiesburg Mississippi as a "Beer Destination" for Beer Advocate Magazine, and the other is an analysis of the impact of craft beer in five cities in the five states that surround the Gulf here: Houston, New Orleans, Hattiesburg, Birmingham, and the Tampa Bay area. This was really interesting to write and, I hope, interesting to read.

My Gambit pieces this past month or so have been pretty varied:

I wrote two pieces for Alcohol Professor on my experiences at the NBWA conference and at GABF.

Man, that's a lot of catching up. I do try to post to my blog, but it often becomes a back burner thing - if you're interested in more up to the minute updates, definitely check out my Tumblr, Twitter (@noradeirdre), and Facebook pages.
