New Plan!
So, my epiphany (of what I already pretty much knew) about keeping my blog updated has led to a vague plan to write something, anything every week and post it on Friday.
Since this plan came together in the aftermath of my road trip to Asheville, this first weekly post is gonna be a little on the skimpy side. Mostly... announcing my plan in order to keep myself accountable.
But also, pretty pictures of the newest issue of All About Beer, which has my article about the New Orleans beer scene ("Ten Years After Katrina," 'cause it's that time right now.)
Also, I've started writing for a more tourism-focused website called I've written about beer stuff but also booze, which has been fun - I got to interview Jeff Beachbum Berry for this piece, which was a great experience.
It's crazy, when I think about it. I look around my living room and I see publications lying around that have my words in it. My work, my sweat, my inspiration. I interview chefs and brewers and bartenders that I admire. I eat and drink and write about it and then PEOPLE PAY ME. Whaaaat. Anyway, I know this borders on navel-gazing, it's just so incredible to me. Like, WHAT IS MY LIFE.
OK, the next couple of weeks will be Asheville and Beer Bloggers/Writers Conference focused, since those are the terms of my attendance for the reduced price.
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